Our twelve horses are kept in the stables immediately behind the house or in the surrounding fields. They belong to various breeds, as in Jenny’s long experience it is the temperament of the horse, not the breed, that matters. There are several Sicilians. The others are, well, just horses, chosen because they are comfortable, willing, surefooted, easy to handle and, above all, safe for all levels of ability.

Lord Byron
Although he is small he is a true Egyptian* Arab and has perfect conformation. he is almost lazy in the school but nice and lively out on a ride. The advantage is that he is absolutely fearless, unusual for an Arab.

An excellent little school horse with a very comfortable trot, suitable both for beginners in the small ring and for the more experienced riders in the big one. As you can see, she is an expert jumper!
She is our veteran mare, being more than thirty years old. Of tough Sicilian stock, she is in perfect health and still takes part in lessons for beginners, being an excellent school horse
He is Polish in origin but looks rather like an American mustang. He works well in the school and out on a ride but his best gait is his canter, which is calm with a regular beat.
In the past an Italian showjumper, she is an extremely elegant ride, with exceptional training. She is ridden principally by experienced riders for lessons in dressage.
Another Sicilian mare, with light and elegant gaits. She is suitable for more expert riders in the school, but easy and comfortable for anybody out on a ride.
She is our most versatile horse who can be ridden by complete beginners but also by expert riders. She behaves perfectly whatever her position in a ride and is also an excellent guide horse
Another true Sicilian mare, she is very sensitive and suitable for riders with light hands. A smooth and elegant ride, she has been Eraldo’s guide horse for six years.
A recent acquisition; yet another Sicilian mare, therefore strong and with plenty of stamina. She is lively and sensitive and requires an experienced and firm rider. A keen horse and comfortable at all gaits.
Another Sicilian mare and our youngest acquisition. Athough very young she is extremely docile to ride and to handle. An elegant and balanced ride both in the school and out on a ride.
“The horses were in good shape, the tack was very good and the horses’ feet were uniformly in superb condition.”
– Pamela Peele
“I have never seen horses so well taken care of.”
– Melissa Wildeman